3 min read

Wintering Up

Wintering Up
Photo by Maksym Mazur / Unsplash

I am all up in the cozy right now, and it does not matter that it has been a sunny 73 degrees (F) outside most days. I want to indulge in the urge to wrap soft fleece blankets around me, put the hood of my robe on, and convalesce around the house. There is a roaring fire on the screen, courtesy of some YouTubers who have trained their camera on bonfires and Nordic scenes. I am forever grateful for a bit of winter in my living room this time of year.

I want to bake, try my hand at DIY projects, and give to others. I can imagine all sorts of winter coziness in my mind, twinkling lights of trees, candles, and storefronts at dark. I am certain our bodies tell us what to do; we are mammals and not robots, no matter how we aim to separate ourselves from Earth.

Solstice Trees

The Gift of Sunrise

Meanwhile, I have been studying sunrises more now than ever. As someone whose home has always faced west, I could never truly appreciate dawn, though I always enjoyed a good uninterrupted view of the horizon. Now that I am fortunate to live facing eastward, I am awestruck by sunrise almost daily. The old day died so the new one could rise and refresh us. I am using sunrise to guide what I want to bring into 2025. But not before considering what I want to leave behind. What will you leave behind, and what will you take with you? I will leave behind the fear of a future that I can't control and bring with me fresh hope into the new year. I can choose my responses. I can start over again each day.

Winter Sunrise

A Gift for You!

I made a little thing for you! My first mini-zine! :) I haven't made a zine since my mid-20s. This is simple and symbolic of the need to start again, keep creative projects going, and fan the flames of hope. See below for the cover image, and scroll down to download the file to print. To experience your gift, you must print and fold the zine. It is simple and satisfying. Please feel free to print and share with friends or family.

If you are like me and need a guide on folding the zine, I love the quick little tutorial by Austin Kleon, an artist and writer who publishes many zines.

Front Cover

Happy Holidays and Happy Wintering!

I look forward to sharing more hope, joy, and unfettered beauty in 2025. In the meantime, make time to sit and stare at something beautiful. Just rest. Luxuriate in lights and the spirit of the season.

Ginkgo just after dawn

Sending you peace, comfort, and cozy joy.

Be well,
