You Make the Best of What's Still Around...
When the World is Running Down
I don't know about you, but I have found that much of
Of Fires and Fathers
LA is still consumed by fires, both massive and minor. The magnitude is immense, and the pressure of grief and loss weighs heavily on all of us– citizens of Los Angeles
Wintering Up
I am all up in the cozy right now, and it does not matter that it has been a sunny
Who is at the Table?
Whoever you invite to your table, imagine how they arrived, the immense journey that all the ancestors took.
H(a)unting for Joy in all the Usual Places
How have you been? It's already mid-October, and the holiday haze is descending on us. It isn'
Let's Start at the Very Beginning
Musing about Beginnings: I am sure there are loads of theological articles on what season of the year Adam and Eve awoke in the Garden and plucked the apple from the Tree.
What To Do When You Are Not Ready
The new school year threw open its doors a week ago and I am not ready.
In a Flash
One year of The Joy Diaries! Thank you for reading and supporting creative efforts!
Endings are just Beginnings
I am pushing the pause button. Modeling rest is as important as taking it. So, I am writing here to let you know three things.
It's Tough to Get Closure, but Books!
I finally got closure on my father's death since the funeral had to be rescheduled for several months later due to my mother's fall and hip recuperation.