3 min read

Let's Start at the Very Beginning

Musing about Beginnings: I am sure there are loads of theological articles on what season of the year Adam and Eve awoke in the Garden and plucked the apple from the Tree.
Let's Start at the Very Beginning
Photo by Noah Silliman / Unsplash

It's a very good place to start

I start this post with a song by vocal legend Julie Andrews. Her voice will surely pick up one's mood and prepare us to begin something. My whole body electrifies and reenergizes when she hits the high note at the song's end in the reprise scene in the film. I would do anything she commanded.

Musing about Beginnings

I am sure there are loads of theological articles on what season of the year Adam and Eve awoke in the Garden and plucked the apple from the Tree. I haven't searched yet, but now that I think of it, I will. My memory has images of springtime. Lush, green, bloom. But is that when apples are ready to be plucked from trees? No. Also, I believe it probably wasn't an apple in the Garden. When considering where apples originate, perhaps it was a pomegranate or fig tree instead. Here is an article from Rutgers discussing the infamous apple origins.

I bring this to your attention as my mind wanders about beginnings. The beginning of the world was probably not spring at all. Maybe it was autumn. Growth happened, and then the fruit was ready for harvesting. Autumn. School in America begins in the fall, and no, it's not due to agrarian calendars. It was due to the wealthy, urban families not wanting to do school when it was swelteringly hot, back when the school year had close to 248 days/year (1842). All this is just context for me to honor my own 'beginning' since the school year is off to its rapid-fire start. Where are you in your year? Is it the beginning of something for you if you are not an educator? Educators– how is it going for you thus far? We have almost had a month of school, and it feels packed with all the events of unpacking the beginnings of years.

If you recall my last post, I was not ready for the beginning of school or the next season of the year. I was fatigued and grieved. However, now that we are in it, I am finally catching up to where I need to be, which has helped me bring back the calm that I so treasure. Though I was tired, I never backed down from the routines I needed to stay positive and move forward. I even began a new workout routine to increase my strength and overall fitness. Though I started the new workout slowly, I have picked up speed and am beginning to see progress. Increasing personal strength and fitness is the mountain I am choosing to climb right now because its benefits are lifelong.

Additionally, rising before dawn is one of my greatest joys, and I am grateful to live in an area where the sun regularly rises without being overcast.

A little dawn for joy

Finally, Autumn has arrived, and it's good

I hope to slow down a bit and meander like a stream. I hope to bake and enjoy good company with family and friends. What are your plans for autumn?

It's FTD Awareness Week 9/22-9/29


Won't you join me in learning about FTD (Frontotemporal Degeneration), a rare neurological disease? Every moment you spend learning about a rare disease increases community awareness, which helps all efforts to study and create solutions for ending the disease.

This is a project close to my heart since my husband lives with this disease.

For more information, visit The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration

Wishing you all the best during this season of beginnings!

Be Well,
