Eclipsing My Heart and Other News

Somehow, I can feel the weather change from summer to autumn, even in Southern California, without many seasons. The quality of the air transforms; it feels lighter and crisp. The nights of autumn have always been friendly to me, and though we have days of 90+ temperatures here, my internal clock has aligned with fall, and I begin dreaming of making soups and stews. As I write this, the annular eclipse is approaching. I am bummed that I did not take the time to prepare to watch it with protective eyewear, drat. It will still be fun to feel, nonetheless. The voice in my head urges me to write that there was no time to prepare for such events because we had just spent the last several days (and, in fact, today, too) moving from one place to another (again). My heart is lighter like the autumn air for having moved even though we just committed our first move only three months ago (to the day).
I said goodbye to the three-month home and my home growing up. It feels final, and I am sloughing off old identities as I make my way to this new home in a town we love.

Last night, as we began to slip out of the moved boxes and arrange our newer, much smaller place, I felt liberated. There is a distinct lack of places to clutter in our new home. I appreciate the clean lines and welcoming Eastern exposure. This is new for me, and I kind of like it. I think my readers know by now that I am a Western exposure, late afternoon sunset person. However, I took to the rooftop lounge to get a chance to see what sunset would look like here at our new place.

I am eager to finish sloughing off the past self and begin fresh. Old and unworn clothes will make their way to new people. Rebirth is a good thing. In the dark moments, there is fear of the unknown, understandably. Now, I welcome the change coming with my whole (eclipsed) heart.
Update on Creative Projects

Last night, I pulled this card from a great deck my sister gave me, The Universe Has Your Back. I needed the extra support, LOL. I always love decks given to me by friends or family. The cards have a deeper meaning for me, and I like to stitch meaning together with symbols, images, and cards. So this card was perfect and reminded me that I am about to realize my dream of indie-publishing my first e-book as an adult! I have edited for others, created and published anthologies for students, and have had individual pieces published, but never a book (digital or print) that was just my own. Now is that time. Finally, I have birthed a book. And that is the outcome I have wanted my entire life.
The little e-book was made for educators because I have spent the last 31 years in education, teaching, leading, and working in schools, both public and (mostly) independent. It was written to help the burnt-out or overworked teacher. I am in the final stages of pre-publication, with my eye set on sharing it with everyone in the next month. I previously wished I could publish it before the school year sped forward, but there are no mistakes. I am content with the pace and excited to bring it to you, reader.
Let me know if you would like to preview the book. I am looking for a few educators who would like to review the book and share it across their platforms and communities.
That's it for now; the eclipse is revealing itself slowly, and I must tend to the final tasks of moving.
Be well,
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