Distraction Proof

It seems to me that one of the most challenging aspects of daily living in this century 20's is avoiding distraction. Or, shall I say, intentionally remaining focused. I am sure there are any number of pundits and researchers who will blame our lack of focus on social media, and I am sure that is a significant contributing factor.
I have not researched the likelihood of the following statement, but I am willing to go out on a limb and say that distraction has likely plagued humanity forever. Because people fear change and they fear all types of pain. Distraction helps us, like a bite of chocolate, a rush of sugar. Distraction is a protective cell lining. It keeps us from sitting with the fear and pain of change. Our lovely primitive brains attempt to protect us from harm, so we are pleasantly distracted.
Is there any way to be distraction-proof? I have been laboring on getting my e-book published, and it took me until last week to finally purchase the ISBNs. Not for lack of funds. But for distraction, and not from social media distraction. The distraction of centering all kinds of other activities (deemed more critical) before centering my creative project. Distracted by other glimmering opportunities, I fantasized about other projects, moving myself away from this completion. This was fear of completion because completion is an end, a little death. Never mind that it means the birth of something new. Creation is scary in its own right, too.
There is another part of our brain (consciousness?) that made me aware that I was distracting myself, pulling myself away from finishing this project that I am genuinely excited to share with my readers. I am grateful for this awareness and have pulled out of the distraction pattern to bring you this musing on Labor Day.
Training awareness can be worth it. Doing so allows you to recognize beauty and seize the moments of joy in your life, among other things. Have you ever read Awareness by Anthony de Mello? I highly recommend the short read by the Jesuit priest.
Happy Monday– Labor Day!
Be well,
Bridget 😇
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