Behold the Bloom: News
On the approach towards spring, I have been thinking about the blooms on their way. There is a cherry tree where I work that is poised to begin the bloom. I worry they trimmed too many of its branches, but the blossoms are magnificent each year. I anticipate the rush of pink against a robin's egg-blue sky. Although it has been quite rainy in California, there are signs of spring's approach.

The Melt of Winter
This is how I have responded to the waning grip of cold and the tenacity of life. Like a sunflower, we lean into the rays (girasole).
- Participating in #100daysofwonder2024 with D. Michelle Perra
- Renewing my commitment to strength training twice a week
- Learning to play the violin (see below)
- Seeking new books to read
- Reading new books
- Writing a little every day
- Spending time with friends
Learning Something New

One day, I asked the new music teacher at work if I was too old to learn the violin. He unequivocally responded, 'No!'. I shared that I was trying to figure out which instrument to learn and wanted a smaller instrument (my inclination is always towards the piano, but apartment living makes that less desirable). He told me that the world has progressed, keyboards are smaller, and I could wear headphones. Nevertheless, to my delight, he returned a week later with a violin complete with case, rosin, and shoulder rest. He quickly taught me how to hold the violin and bow and showed me the basics of drawing the bow across the strings. He left me with the command, 'Make some noise!'.
And I have. For 10 minutes a day, I make noise on the violin (except the week I broke a string and had to get that fixed!). I listen to what sounds good, play with sound, and experiment with posture. It is difficult, but my brain is so happy with me when I play what I have discovered is the "E" string. Perhaps my brain is satisfied because I am holding on to something real. I am old enough that I have no expectations other than delivering myself joy. Google is pretty handy in providing new violin content for me to learn.
Have you tried something new that you want to share? I would love to hear about it! Drop me a note at, or you can leave a comment if you are a paid subscriber.
Remember You are Love Magic

Writing Project Update:
Call for Submissions: Teacher ALTruisms
If you are an educator (teacher, support staff, admin, counselor, coach, etc.) at any grade level K-University), I want to hear the stories that have kept you going. The reason/s you come back every year. The joyful moments, the Why of teaching, the reward. Stories should be brief, yours, and focus on the good.
Calling All Educators: K-University
I am putting together an anthology Zine (digital and print) that uplifts our work and highlights the joy found in the profession. Soothing burnout begins with remembering why we choose to teach or why it chose us (as it was in my case).
Seeking original stories (poetry or prose under 300 words) and artwork showing the juicy, joyful moments of teaching or working with students. Think of it as the delight of reaching the center of a hard candy that has a juicy filling. We know teaching is difficult labor - but in the best moments, we find it can be a labor of love.
The zine is meant to uplift. The tone can be serious but should not be sardonic.
Please send poetry and prose in .pdf format. Artwork should be .png or .jpg format. Submissions should be free of assistance from AI tools.
All submissions should be sent to The subject line of the email should read [first and last name] submission for Teacher AlTruisms
There is no fee to submit your work. Contributors will receive a copy of the print zine.
Until next time, take care of yourselves. Let yourself melt into spring. Be like water. 🌊
Be well,
Member discussion